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Jan 28, 2019

A Phrasal Verb a Day #155 - TO PRONOUNCE FOR / AGAINST

Nothing to do with pronunciation or how things are said - these expressions actually relate more to legal English.

To pronounce against

To make a judgement against someone in a court of law.

E.g. The judgement was pronounced against three officers.

The court...

Jan 21, 2019

A Phrasal Verb a Day #154 - TO PROJECT ONTO

To unlock this episode you need to become a member of LEP Premium. Click here to get started.

to project something onto someone

This is not just to do with projecting movies onto a screen, but it's about projecting your feelings onto other people.


1. To display...

Dec 13, 2018

A Phrasal Verb a Day #153 - TO PROFIT FROM

To unlock this episode you need to become a member of LEP Premium. Click here to get started.

Definitions & examples

1. to make money by doing something

2. to get benefits/advantages from things

to profit from an experience

to profit from new laws in banking

The decentralised...

Dec 10, 2018

A Phrasal Verb a Day #152 - TO PROCEED WITH


to do something that you have planned to do, or thought about doing. You've been thinking about something, and then you do it.


The police decided not to proceed with the case.

If you choose not to proceed with the transaction, please let us know within 14...

Dec 6, 2018

A Phrasal Verb a Day #151 - TO PRISE APART


To force two things apart, or to force something open


I prised a piece of rock apart and found a fossil

I prised the dog's jaws apart

I prised open the lid of the tin of beans

Rescuers were using heavy duty cutting equipment to prise apart the tangled mound of...